140 words per minute shorthand Gregg Publishing gold pin expert award winners, 1939
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140 words per minute shorthand Gregg Publishing gold pin expert award winners, 1939
Gregg Publishing Company 140 words per minute gold pin expert award winners for shorthand transcription from Congressional Record, June 30, 1939. From left to right: Despina Barbas, Mary O'Neil, Adrienne Mary Rose Alix, and Marie Bouchard, Head of the Secretarial Division.
30 June 1939
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Photograph, black and white
Gregg Publishing Company 140 words per minute gold pin expert award winners for shorthand transcription from Congressional Record, June 30, 1939. From left to right: Despina Barbas, Mary O'Neil, Adrienne Mary Rose Alix, and Marie Bouchard, Head of the Secretarial Division., “140 words per minute shorthand Gregg Publishing gold pin expert award winners, 1939,” Southern New Hampshire University Archives, accessed February 19, 2025, https://snhuarchives.omeka.net/items/show/102.