Historical Southern New Hampshire University Promotional Material
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Advertisement run in the Manchester Union seeking rooms to offer students through the school's home-residency plan.
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Commerce's newly franchised Speedwriting course…
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Commerce's G.I. Bill eligibility for Korean War…
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Commerce's "intention to remain open after the…
Full page advertisement run in the 1943 A Manchester West High School Thesaurus year book. The advertisement highlights programs for those entering…
The New Hampshire School of Accounting and Commerce catalog includes the academic calendar, admission information, an overview of tuition and…
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Commerce's "Complete Business Training," G.I.…
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting summer school and wartime programs of the New Hampshire School of Accounting and Finance.…
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting employer demand for NHSAF graduates.
Advertisement run in the Manchester Union Leader promoting the summer school and the special program providing military clerical training.